This legal notice was last updated on 01/06/2018
Business Name: CENTRAL BAR, S.A.
NIF: A-08375735
The name of the domain through which this Portal is accessed is owned byCENTRAL BAR, S.A., and its use, in connection with content, products or services that are not owned by CENTRAL BAR that may cause confusion among end users or bring CENTRAL BAR into disrepute, is prohibited.
The purpose of this Legal Notice is to establish the General Conditions that regulate access, browsing and use of the website, which are freely available to Internet users.
The use of our website confers the status of user and, at the time it is accessed, implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of these General Conditions, and our privacy policy and personal data processing policy.
CENTRAL BAR reserves the right to modify and update these General Conditions and, in general, the elements that make up the design and configuration of the Portal at any time. To this effect, CENTRAL BAR recommends that Users read these conditions carefully whenever they access the Portal.
In the event of the use, provision and / or contracting of products or services being offered through the Portal, the fact of their being used and / or requested by the User will also imply the unreserved acceptance of the particular conditions which, where relevant, have been set out to this effect and which will form an integral part of this Legal Notice.
The Owner also reserves the right to offer certain products and / or services exclusively for registered Users through the Portal, who expressly accept the specific applicable conditions.
Likewise, the Owner reserves the right to terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time and without prior warning, access to the products, services and / or Contents of the Portal, or to its actual configuration, provisions, products, services and Contents, for which the User has no right to claim or demand any compensation; in particular, for reasons of maintenance, repair, updating, improvement and / or adaptation to technical, operational and / or legal changes. Following this termination, the prohibitions, restrictions and limitations contained in this Legal Notice and / or in any specific conditions that may apply will remain in force.
The User declares that they have the necessary legal capacity to be bound by this agreement and to use this Portal in compliance with the General Conditions set forth herein, which they fully understand and comprehend.
Access to the Portal, use of the contents offered therein, the completion of forms, the sending of requests for information and, in general, any act of a similar nature to those outlined will imply, on the part of anyone who browses the Portal, that they now have the status of User and they accept, without reservation, each and every one of the rules contained up this Legal Notice.
The User also declares that all the information they provide in the course of using the Portal is true, complete and accurate.
In any case, accessing, browsing and using the Portal is done so under the sole and exclusive responsibility of the User, for which the latter undertakes to diligently and faithfully observe any additional instructions regarding the use of the Portal and its contents. To this effect, the User undertakes to use the contents of the Portal in a diligent, correct and lawful manner, in accordance with current legislation and they especially undertake to refrain from:
- Using them for purposes and effects that are against the law, morality, generally accepted good customs or public order, and the instructions received from CENTRAL BAR.
- Using them for purposes that are harmful to the legitimate rights of third parties.
- Using the contents and, in particular, information of any kind obtained through the Portal to send advertising, messages for direct marketing purposes or for any other commercial purpose, or unrequested messages addressed to a number of people regardless of their use, and to refrain from commercializing or disclosing this information in any way.
This website belongs to CENTRAL BAR, S.A.
The intellectual property rights and rights of exploitation and reproduction of this website and its contents are the exclusive property of this website, unless specifically stated otherwise, or of third parties if CENTRAL BAR has obtained the pertinent license.
The contents of the Portal are understood to include, but not be limited to, the texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, browsing structure, software, audiovisual and sound content, graphic design and source codes, indexes, trademarks, logos, expressions and information and, in general, any other creation protected by the national regulations and international agreements on intellectual and industrial property.
Any improper use of it by anybody other than the legitimate owner and without the express and unequivocal consent of the latter may be reported and prosecuted through any and all legal means allowed for in Spanish and/or EU law.
The contents of any page on this website can only be downloaded, copied or printed for personal and private use. Reproducing, transferring, amending, and deleting the information, content or warnings of this website is forbidden without the prior written consent of CENTRAL BAR.
CENTRAL BAR reserves the right to modify, suspend, delete or restrict the contents of the website, links or information obtained through it, without prior warning. Under no circumstances does CENTRAL BAR accept any responsibility for the consequences of the incorrect use a User may make of either the information or the services contained in this website.
CENTRAL BAR declares that it has taken all the necessary and reasonable measures, within its capabilities and the possibilities of current technology, to ensure the functioning of the Portal and to prevent the existence and transmission of viruses and other components harmful to Users.
Likewise, CENTRAL BAR may use all reasonable means at its disposal to verify the truthfulness, accuracy, adaptation, suitability, exhaustiveness and up-to-dateness of the information and content provided on the Portal.
The User expressly acknowledges and accepts that CENTRAL BAR does not grant any kind of guarantee, whether express or implicit, of the reliability, usefulness or accuracy of the information published and / or supplied on the Portal in relation to CENTRAL BAR’s products and / or services.
In particular, CENTRAL BAR does not guarantee or accept responsibility for:
- The lack of availability or accessibility of the Portal or of the continuity of the Portal.
- The existence of interruptions, errors in accessing the Portal or malfunctioning of the Portal, or any technical problems or failures that occur during the Internet connection.
- The absence of viruses and other harmful IT elements in the Portal or server that supplies it; It is the responsibility of the User, where appropriate, to have adequate means for the detection or disinfection of harmful computer programs.
- The invulnerability of the Portal and of the security measures adopted in it.
- The inexistence of errors in the contents.
- The suitability for a particular purpose or end of the Portal and of the information published and / or supplied in relation to the products or services.
- Any decisions made on the basis of the information provided on the Portal or for any damages caused to the User or third parties due to actions based solely on the information obtained on the Website.
- Any harm caused to users’ or third parties’ IT devices during the provision of the portal’s services.
- Any other harm that may be caused by a malfunction of the Portal.
On its portal, CENTRAL BAR may offer direct or indirect links to Internet resources or web pages that are outside the Portal. Where appropriate, these links must not assume that there are agreements between those responsible, nor that CENTRAL BAR is recommending contracting the products and / or services they offer.
CENTRAL BAR has no power or human or technical means to have knowledge of, control or approve all the information, content, products or services provided by other web pages to which links from the Portal may be established. Consequently, CENTRAL BAR accepts no liability whatsoever for any aspect related to the web pages that may be accessed through a link from the Portal, especially including but without limitation to, their functioning, access, data, information, files, and the quality and reliability of their products and services, their own links and/or any of its content, in general.
In the event that any User, entity or web page wishes to establish some type of link to the Portal, prior to doing so they must obtain express and written authorization from the Owner and the link must be absolute and complete in the sense that it is made to the main page of the Portal, covering its entirety.
Should the entity creating the link from its website to the Portal of CENTRAL BAR also wish to include the brand, denomination, commercial name, label, logo, or any other identifying sign of the Title Holder and / or the Portal on its web page, they will need the express prior authorization in writing from CENTRAL BAR.
In the event that any provision of this Legal Notice is considered null, either in whole or in part, this annulment or invalidity will not affect the other provisions of the Legal Notice or the specific conditions where, where relevant, may have been established.
In the event that CENTRAL BAR does not exercise any right or action recognized in this Legal Notice, this will not constitute a waiver thereof, unless there is acknowledgment and agreement, which they must provide in writing.
This Legal Notice is governed by Spanish regulations.
For the purpose of resolving any conflict that may arise from accessing the Portal, the User and CENTRAL BAR agree to submit to the Courts of Law of the city of Barcelona, expressly renouncing any other regional codes of law.
In accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) EU 2016/679, the Personal Data Law (LOPD) 3/2018 and Law 34/2002 on E-Commerce and Information Society Services, we inform you that your personal data will be, or already are, included in the files for which CENTRAL BAR are responsible , the purposes of which are the communication, promotion, relation and(or management of the products and services it offers its clients and subscribers. They can be transfered to other companies whose intervention is required for their management and to those set out in the current regulation.
If you want to exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, portability, and limitation and opposition to the processing of your data, then please make this known to CENTRAL BAR at the address C/ Gaspar Fàbregas 81, 3rd Floor 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat, or by sending an email to the following address: